Guest author

I'm living a full life with Omnipod and Dexcom gadgets


My name is Joško, I’m 34 years old, and I come from the "most beautiful city in the world" – Split. At least, that’s how we in Dalmatia like to describe a city filled with millennia of history, life, sunshine, and a unique way of living. 😊

My "sweet" story began a little over 32 years ago, and since then, type 1 diabetes has been a constant companion and partner in my life’s adventures and successes. I have to admit it wasn’t always a quiet companion, much less a partner; but over time, we found common ground, and now diabetes constantly reminds me that one must always work on oneself.

It sounds like a notorious cliché – "A healthy mind in a healthy body!" – but at the same time, this is a (constantly reaffirmed) living truth, not to say the naked truth.

When I was a child, the first reaction to my diabetes was often pity. Today, I often tell people that I am actually grateful for diabetes because it "pushed" me towards a balanced life.

A life where it’s essential to have quality technology at hand, a diverse diet, continuous physical activity, to develop the mind as much as the body, and to adapt to all life’s challenges with a balanced perspective. While it’s ungrateful to generalize, this is my recipe for just about anyone.

When comparing my early days with the current state, it’s incredible – like night and day. It started with insulin and injections (painful and unpleasant), blood glucose meters (waiting a few minutes for the result), HbA1c tests (large blood samples and several days for results) – and has evolved to today’s cutting-edge sensors for continuous glucose monitoring as well as insulin pumps.

I’m glad that the development of diabetes technology is not over and that many experts and companies are working on revolutionary solutions for a better quality of life for people with diabetes.

Dexcom and Omnipod

After various experiences with different technological solutions, I opted for a very high-quality combination – the OmniPod DASH tubeless insulin pump + Dexcom One sensors. Soon, I’ll switch to Dexcom One+, which is twice as small and simpler; for those where size is a deciding factor. It’s also great that the sensor and transmitter are combined into an "all-in-one" device.

Living an active life

Considering my work obligations, which include numerous meetings at different locations, it’s essential for me to be flexible and progressive, but also not to slack in my diabetes management. OmniPod, as a tubeless solution, offers me greater freedom, allows for professional dressing, more flexibility in daily activities, and better diabetes control.

For us "experienced" diabetics, the greatest risk is when we get complacent due to vast experience and the automation of all self-management processes. OmniPod tackles this in an interesting way, using some occasionally "annoying" but crucial alarms for quality self-management, thanks to which I’ve never run out of insulin in the Pod. Additionally, it has well-developed software for bolus and basal insulin delivery, with various options that make diabetes control incredibly precise and customizable.

When you add an extremely accurate and reliable CGM system like Dexcom, which with its Clarity app provides insights into your glucose levels, also accessible to your diabetologist, you have tools that leave no room for poor and incomplete self-management.

DiaEuro European Futsal Competition
I must mention that this combination also makes it easier for me to live a recreationally athletic lifestyle. Two sports have marked my life in a special way – rowing as my primary sport, and futsal – where I became a European champion with the Croatian DiaEuro team, creating an incredible story. I realized that digital control greatly eased my functionality during sports activities, as I could literally "adjust my diabetes" to my activities.

It’s true that no tool can help you if you don’t want to help yourself, but behind Dexcom and OmniPod is exceptional support, enabling you to make the best use of all the valuable options these devices offer to change your life.

I look forward to the seamless transition to OmniPod 5, which will provide even more autonomy and precise self-management.

Education is key when it comes to quality co-existence with diabetes and preventing long-term complications.

And that’s exactly why – don’t live in ignorance, take a step towards a better life with diabetes.

Author: Joško SugarFree Ćulo

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